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Kings Langley Volleyball Club AGM - 21 August 2022 at 7pm
Attendees: Angelo, Duncan S, Richard, Martin, Theirry, Duncan W, Jackie, Chris, Enrico, Mattia, Sophie, Katia, Guiseppe, Stanley, Charlie, Rachel, Sanly, Germantas, Euan, Adam, Cameron, Yehen, Krystina, Karen, Martina, Martins, Armin, Trevor
League updates
Kings team finished 4th out of 5 in Division 1
Knights finished 3rd and Chargers 5th and bottom in Division 2
Warriors came 4th out of 5 in the Ladies Division
There were 3 cup teams this year with the Kings reaching the semi-final and Watford going onto win it, again
There was one game for the X League
Our national cup team took Weymouth to 5 sets but got knocked out in the second round
Venue updates
We will continue to use Kings Langley Secondary School for all KLVC training and matches
Our social sessions are limited due to St Michael’s remaining closed. Thierry has been chasing them up regularly for the past year but without any positive answer.
It is really important to keep a good relationship with the venue. Thierry has worked well with Sam who is leaving but it is important that we are respectful of the closing time and keeping the venue free of litter once we leave.
It is the last Sunday beach session today but Tuesday night sessions will continue for as long as daylight allows.
This depends on the number of signups, however, it is likely to remain the same as last years fees which were £80 in October and £60 January
The club has same reserves which are £4600 minus any beach fees
There are many members who coached sessions over the last season and we are grateful to those who volunteered their time.
We might also look at employing a coach from another club for some ad-hoc sessions.
We will also use the reserves to fund people to take coaching courses should they be interested in doing so
Reffing and scoring
We will also use the club reserved to fund reffing courses for members who are interested
We also need more people to volunteer to learn how to score
Team managers’ review
Chargers - results weren't great but there were a lot of new players and it was a more positive season as we reached the end
Knights - all fixtures fulfilled. First half unbeaten until playing Welwyn. Reliable group of players.
Kings - It was a good season. Completed all our games and changed a lot of players.
Warriors - lots of new players. Achievement of getting the team up and running. Would like a woman's only session. Felt like it became a team late in the season because training really started in Jan.
Overall there were a lot of changes across all the teams.
Will probably be the same format as the end of season where teams will be mixed together and this will change from week to week.
Committee Elections
Chair: Duncan (Karen nominated and Katia seconded)
Secretary: Angelo (Duncan nominated and Jackie seconded)
Treasurer: Thierry (Angelo nominated and Chris seconded)
Fixtures Secretary: Duncan (Thierry nominated and Cameron seconded)
Welfare Officer: Martin (Duncan nominated and Cameron seconded)
Social Officer: Richard - (Duncan nominated and Thierry seconded)
Big thank you to coaches Enrico, Angelo, Jordan, Thierry, Duncan W, Tlali, Trevor, Chris and all others who helped. Thank you to the team managers: Richard, Martin, Thierry, Marty and Duncan S. Thank you to all those who refereed and scored mainly Duncan W, Chris S, Chris, Enrico, Karen, Sophie and Katia.
We need safeguarding courses to be compliant with Volleyball England, so we are taking the extraordinary decision to suspend members currently under the age of 18. We will undertake courses and come back to members when we have a further update.
Whilst this is in place, we’re more than happy for the U18s to use our equipment at KLS if they want to book the venue themselves.
Mixed league
There are two teams in contact about a mixed league. There is a County X League which the club competed in too. We could look at a mixed team in the men’s league.