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We will be holding our AGM at 7pm (just after our regular beach volleyball session) at The Six Bells in St Albans (AL3 4SH) this coming Sunday 21st August. Anybody is welcome, whether you played for the club last year or would like to join us this year.
- Competitions update
- Venue update
- Subs
- Season review
- Elections - Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Office, Fixtures Secretary, Social Secretary
Last year's AGM minutes are here.
If you already know you want to play for us next year, please fill in the registration form linked to from the Join Us page, so we can start to get an idea on numbers. This is just so we have your details. The request for payment of subs will be come in September.
If the AGM doesn't go on for too long, we will then head over to Kings Langley for our normal grass volleyball session, but this won't start until we arrive!